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Sopranos Deal of the Week 120x60


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Technical dude weighs in

Hi, Carl Morgan here, stepson of Uncle Barky. I'm the one working behind the scenes, and it's nice to meet you. Anyway, we've just enabled RSS on the site. Now you'll know when "Ed" posts something new on his site. I'm using Safari, and I have a nice button on my address bar to get it to load up. Also on the right side of the page you'll notice a "RSS Feed." It's just another way to get to it. Be sure to bookmark it and hopefully we're done messing with it. Another question that I bet many of you are asking: Where are the permanent links to the posts? I hear you and I'm on it. In the meantime, the RSS feed provides you with one while I work on that. After you click the "read more" option in the RSS feed -- that's the permalink. It'll lead you back to whatever post you're wanting to link to. Any more questions or feature requests? Leave it in the comments.