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Saints Alive!

U2 and Green Day teamed Monday night for a kick-ass reopening of the New Orleans Superdome. The customized pre-game, mini-concert, presented on ESPN's Monday Night Football, put any and all Super Bowl pre-game shows to shame. Of course, not just any sporting event is fortified with such inherent drama.

Green Day lead singer Billy Joe Armstrong, accompanied by U2 guitarist the Edge and a hometown brass section, opened with "Wake Me Up When September Ends" from Green Day's mega-selling American Idiot disc. Then he shrieked "New Orleans!" before segueing to a reworked "House of the Rising Sun." It went like this: "There is a house in New Orleans. It's called the Superdome. It's been the ruin of many a poor boy, and God I know I'm one."

That sent a packed house into full roar as U2's buzz-cut Bono hit the stage. Armstrong and The Edge joined him in repeatedly singing "The Saints are comin'! The Saints are comin'! Then they closed the deal with U2's "Beautiful Day."

What a night, what a sight. You can check it out here. All downloading proceeds go to Music Rising, dedicated to keeping New Orleans singing and dancing.
Ed Bark