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Dan on hold

Dan Rather Reports will still be coming soon to Mark Cuban's HDNet. Just not as soon.

"We are moving Dan back to after the elections so there won't be as much going on," Cuban said in an email Thursday.

The weekly "completely uncensored" news program originally was slated for an October start. Rather and Cuban officially broke the news to TV critics at a July 11th dual press conference in Pasadena, CA.

Cuban, who also owns the Dallas Mavericks, said he was happy to free the former CBS News warhorse "from the ratings-driven and limited depth confines of broadcast television."

The one-hour program will originate from New York, where the soon to be 75-year-old Rather has been assembling a staff.

"Hard news needs backers who won't back down. Mark Cuban is such a leader," Rather said in a news release touting his new program. It was a not so veiled shot at CBS, where he spent more than 40 years until a "Memogate" scandal tied to President Bush's Texas Air National Guard service led to his resignation earlier this year.
Ed Bark